The Century War Concept
The Century War concept has been dancing in my head for some years. The WW1 and WW2 added together with psychic powers and strange technology. It all boiled into a game activity after three things were added together. For that I have to thank Topo Solitario. I had his Steam Mechs under my scissors for some time now. This was the perfect moment to start building them. Adding to this, I had the Warm Acre miniatures sculpted by Gavin Tyler to give me ideas for my Pulp Universe. His miniatures of WW2 soldiers have the right feeling to play pulp era games. They have this Vintage feel without being unrealistic. I urge you also to check his minis. I also played for the first time in these last days the Warm Acre game Hour of Glory and I was very pleasantly surprised by the quality and finesse of the system and playability. To glue this together I am using the excellent FUBAR - One Page Rules - with some minor changes to work with the universe. These rules are very easy and enjoyable to use. The major modifications are the psychic shields and the Vehicles (mecha and human energy powered tanks). These rules are displayed in the next post. I am also using the very nice tanks from Fiddler's Green. If you like papermodels and want to play with 28mm very cheap vehicles, you should try them out. The Opel Blitz is a beauty, and if you create an account, you'll have access to 3 free models! I'm finishing it and soon I'll show it here. Chip only has one WW2 tank (the Panzer III), but if some of you buy it, I think that he will add some more. I'm counting on you all! ;)
The Universe: The Century War
WW1 n
The war went on with low activ
In 1927 Adolf Hitler, supported and pushed up by a strange Bavarian Organization became the German Chancellor. His powerful speeches about German superiority and sacred right to dominate Europe, push the British to rise their military presence in France. In 1928, Germany initiates a surprise attack against the French. The Century War has begun. New weapons were about to be revealed. The Panzerkampffußgaenger PzKF1, a gigantic mechanized robot, controlled just by one man rolled against the Allies. Luckily for the Allies, they had a unit of special troops defending that position and some of the PzKF1's still had some development problems. They had to withdraw, leaving three Mechs behind. In 1930, almost all France was no-man's land. In the brink of a terrible defeat, the British unleashed their Walkers Mk I, a modified copy of the PzKF1's. Nations would deviate their resources and research into this new amazing technology breakthrough. Human energy and its capabilities would force governments to hunt down their citizens who were capable of tapping into their energy.
The Russian would create their witches. The колдунья (koldunya), capable of repulsive energy.They would later develop energy shields and proto-levitation. The capability of rising huge vehicles 50cm above ground.
The Germans would implement the human engines to paradoxical extremes.
The British would follow the Germans and also create the Gunmen. Units of men that would use their energy to shoot a blast of Tesla energy through a weapon that replaced their severed hand.
The Italians would develop a strange kind of teleportation.
The Americans would transfer their soldier's heads and spines into a tank, creating the fast and armoured Mechboys.
And the French - a thorn and desperate nation - would develop the zombies. A helmet capable of infusing electric energy into one's body, maintaining it alive despite all kinds of fatal injuries.
The horror was unleashed. Desecration of human life was again in the order of the day.
And soon, more will follow.
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