"The way we activated the powers of our men was different for each power we wanted to activate. In those early days some ways were very complicated and took much time. Activating the "engine psychic energy" was very difficult and we only had 20% of success. I was lucky. I was supervising the awaken of the psychic shields for our infantry. It was a simple procedure. We would explain and visually show the work of the psychic shield to them. They were in groups of twenty, yes? Then we would tell them that we would shoot them in their legs until they were able to activate the shield. They would be so scared that we had to do this training under weapon threat. Of course they would take the first bullet in their leg. We were very carefully not to make too much damage. We wanted functional soldier, yes? Twenty percent would be so scared with the shooting of their comrades that they were able to activate their shield without being shot. Those were transferred to other specializations. Most of the others would activate their psychic powers without having to receive another bullet in the other leg. At the fourth bullet we would stop. That man would never be able to activate any mental power. We would let him heal for two months and then we would send him to the front with the regular infantry. But we had a success rate of almost eighty percent. Good ahn?!"
Oberstleutnant Hans Shuller
The Century War - 1933 Tech
The Century War is now in its fourth year (or in it's nineteenth year if we start counting from 1914 as some historians do). After conquering much of France, the Germans are joined by Franco and war ravages also in Spain. The Germans and Italians attack the British possessions in North Africa and the Russian Civil War is at its highest carnage. New and strange vehicles work across the battlefields. As the nations investigate the new unleashed psychic powers, new ways of using them are being created. The most common was the powering of engines by human energy and the psychic shields, that every army used but nobody knew how "it" worked.
The Rules
I am using the excellent FUBAR - One Page Rules - with some minor changes to work with the universe. These rules are very easy and enjoyable to use. The major modifications are the psychic shields and the Vehicles (mecha and human energy powered tanks). These rules are displayed below. I am using the very nice 28mm miniatures from Warm Acre Games, the Mecha are from Topo Solitario and the tanks are from Fiddler's Green. If you like papermodels and want to play with 28mm very cheap vehicles, you should try them out. The Opel Blitz is a beauty, and if you create an account, you'll have access to 3 free models! I'm finishing it and soon I'll show it here. Chip only has one WW2 tank (the Panzer III), but if some of you buy it, I think that he will add some more. I'm counting on you all! ;)
Vehicle Movement: Their movement is showed in each vehicle. The movement is divided in three types separated by slashes: Difficult Terrain Movement/Open Terrain Movement/Top Speed.
A vehicle can fire all weapons while stationary without any penalty.
A vehicle can fire all weapons while moving in the first two modes at -2 penalty.
A vehicle can only fire machine guns while at Top Speed at -2 penalty.
Vehicle Armour: The vehicle armour is -1 in the vehicle sides and -2 in the vehicle rear.
The vehicle Damage Table is the same as the Fubar rules. The MECHA Damage Tables are as seen here below:
Mecha Damage Table
Roll --- Effect
1 ------ Crew Stunned (-1 to all rolls next activation). No shields next activation.
2 ------ Crew Stunned (-2 to all rolls next activation). No shields next activation.
3 ------ Weapon shorts (enemy chooses). This weapon cannot fire next activation.
4 ------ Weapon Destroyed (owner chooses). This weapon is lost for the rest of the game.
5 ------ Limbs damaged (Half movement for the rest of the game. No Top Speed allowed).
6 ------ Roll again:
-------- 1-2 Vehicle immobilized.
-------- 3-6 Vehicle destroyed. Roll again:
---------------------------- 1-4 Crew manages to escape.
---------------------------- 5-6 Crew killed.
Shields: Shields are used in the same way, but have two different rates. Individual rate of 4+ and vehicle dual rate of 3+. The infantrymen that can use their own psychic powers to use a shield will activate it when in danger and face it against the enemy. The shield is so powerful that can withstand a large explosion. But it flickers and it isn't always on, as the soldier must actively maintain the shield. The vehicle dual shield is
Mecha Assault: Some infantry units can assault a Mecha, and try to disable it by putting a grenade in the MECHA's foot or knee joint. This is a very difficult operation. The infantry figure that makes this must roll against his activation and then make a expertise roll at -1 against the Foot joint or -2 against the knee joint. If he succeeds the mecha has a Limb Damage result if the attack was against the foot joint or a Immobilized result if the attack was against the knee joint.
Mecha Capture: Some infantry units can capture a Mecha, by climbing the Mecha, getting inside and killing their occupants. It is a very difficult operation. The entire squad must do this together, rolling against their activation at -1 and then each must make an expertise roll. If one of them fails the operation was a failure. If they succeed the Mecha is captured. If the Mecha was previously immobilized the roll is at +1. If the operation was a failure, all figures in the squad must roll against their expertise. If they fail they take damage. 1FP for each member of the squad that failed the first expertise roll.
German Infantry Stats:
Infantry Type/Weapon/FP/Activation/Expertise
German Infantry Squad (Suppress 2) No Shield/Grenades/10 figures
1 Officer/Pistol/1FP/3+/4+
4 Infantry/Infantry Rifle/1FP/4+/5+
4 Infantry/Sub Machine Gun/3FP/4+/5+
1 Infantry/Light Machine Gun/4FP/12″-3FP/24″-2FP/32″/4+/5+
German Stormtroopers Squad (Suppress 3) Shield/Grenades/Mecha Assault/10 figures
1 Officer/Pistol/1FP/2+/3+
4 Infantry/Infantry Rifle/1FP/3+/4+
4 Infantry/Sub Machine Gun/3FP/3+/4+
1 Infantry/Light Machine Gun/4FP/12″-3FP/24″-2FP/32″/3+/4+
German Mountain Troopers Squad (Suppress 3) Shield/Grenades/Mecha Assault/Mecha Capture/1 Field radio/10 figures
1 Officer/Pistol/1FP/2+/3+
1 Infantry Marksman/Infantry Rifle/1FP/2+/2+
3 Infantry/Infantry Rifle/1FP/3+/4+
4 Infantry/Sub Machine Gun/3FP/3+/4+
1 Infantry/Light Machine Gun/4FP/12″-3FP/24″-2FP/32″/3+/4+
German Fallschirmjager Squad (Suppress 4) Shield/Grenades/Mecha Assault/Mecha Capture/Infiltration/5 figures
1 Officer/Pistol/1FP/2+/3+
2 Infantry/Infantry Rifle/1FP/2+/3+
2 Infantry/Sub Machine Gun/3FP/2+/3+
German Vehicle Stats:
Panzerkampffußgaenger PzKF1C
The PzKF1C is a main battle Mecha, without any support weapon. It's main work is to engage and destroy enemy vehicles.
Armour: 3+
Dual Shield: 3+
Crew: 3 (Pilot/Gunner/Engine - Gunner/Shield - Comms/Shield)
Move: 6"/12"/18"
Torso Heavy Machine Gun 5FP/12"-4FP/24"-3FP/32"
Right Arm 50mm Long Barrelled Cannon 6FP/15"-5FP/30"-4FP/45"
Right Arm 75mm Short Barrelled Cannon 7FP/14"-6FP/28"-5FP/40"
Left Arm 50mm Long Barrelled Cannon 6FP/15"-5FP/30"-4FP/45"
Left Arm 75mm Short Barrelled Cannon 7FP/14"-6FP/28"-5FP/40"
Panzerkampfwagen PzKWA7VPlus
The A7VPlus is a remnantof the 1918 German reaction to the Allied tanks. Made bigger, heavier, and now powered by human engines and with shields, this vehicle emerged again to attack, harass and be a mobile command centre. Armed with the new Nebelwerfer rocket launchers and an array of heavy machine guns, this fighting landfortress is a terrifying vision to the allied troops.
Armour: 2+
Dual Shield: 3+
Crew: 16 (2 Pilots/Gunners - 2 Engines - 2 Comms/Shield - 7 gunners - 3 loadders)
Move: 4"/8"/10"
2 Port Heavy Machine Guns 5FP/12"-4FP/24"-3FP/32"
2 Starboard Heavy Machine Guns 5FP/12"-4FP/24"-3FP/32"
2 Stern Heavy Machine Guns 5FP/12"-4FP/24"-3FP/32"
Bow 37mm Cannon Short Barrelled Cannon 5FP/10"-4FP/20"-3FP/30"
Bow Heavy Nebelwerfer rocket Launcher 10FP/60"
Panzerkampfwagen PzKW IIIB
The Panzer IIIB is the newest German fast tank. After the complete failure of the Panzer I and the little value of the Panzer II against Britain's walkers, the Panzer IIIB is a very capable tank. Fast and reliable, this tank fills the place that the vastly inferior in number Mecha cannot fill.
Armour: 4+
Dual Shield: 3+
Crew: 5 (1 Commander/Shield - 1 Pilot/Engine- 1 Comms/Shield - 2 Gunners/loadders)
Move: 7"/14"/20"
1 Bow Heavy Machine Guns 5FP/12"-4FP/24"-3FP/32"
1 Turret Heavy Machine Guns 5FP/12"-4FP/24"-3FP/32"
1Turret 37mm Cannon Long Barrelled Cannon 5FP/14"-4FP/28"-3FP/40"
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