"Now. The chaps were a bit scared when we told them the way we devised to create the Gunmen. You must, of course, remember that we were in a tight spot at the time. The Germans were winning, France was almost taken and our moral was very low. The process was loathsome indeed. We had to cut the soldier's right hand and while we installed the wires in the open wound, we had to awaken the psychic power. And there was no guarantee about the result, you see? So, finally, when the British High Command gave us the go order, we chose a few hundred men and asked them to volunteer to the job. We had three volunteers at the end. A whole three more than I expected, I'll tell you. But the thing was, the scientist that was to perform the operation in this nineteen years old boy wasn't able to steady himself. The man, for God's sake, kept crying. We had to cancel the procedure. Then the boy asked us why would we try it with men already maimed. He told us that he knew some of them himself. It was a life saver, I'll tell you that."
Colonel Gavin Douglas-Smith
The Century War - 1933 Tech
The British are holding the Germans at bay almost alone. The French army is nearly destroyed and France only controls it's south-most territory. Having created the Gunmen, the British were also able to steal the Mecha technology from the Germans. Their Mecha is as good or even better than their enemy counterpart. But while the Germans use their army in a new "Blitzkrieg" way, the British still use the old tactics of battle. But they are learning fast.
The Rules
I am using the excellent FUBAR - One Page Rules - with some minor changes to work with my new universe. These rules are very easy and enjoyable to use. The major modifications are the psychic shields and the Vehicles (mecha and human energy powered tanks). These rules are presented in my previous post. I am using the very nice 28mm miniatures from Warm Acre Games, the Mecha are from Topo Solitario and the tanks are from Fiddler's Green. If you like paper models and want to play with 28mm very cheap vehicles, you should try them out. I haven't completed the Mark IV, but you can find it here. The Whippet tank will be added in a near future, as soon as I buy it. I added to the original Fiddlers Green Mark IV some weapons from Topo Solitario British Mecha vehicle. As soon as I have it built, I'll post an image. I also modified the ranges in some weapons from the original FUBAR rules to portrait less accuracy and penetration power at longer ranges. See it below.
Weapons Range and Penetration Modifiers
Infantry Weapons: Infantry weapons remain as per FUBAR rules with the exception of Machine guns. Light and Heavy Machine guns have more impact at closer ranges and less at long ranges.
Light Machine Gun 4FP/12"-3FP/24"-2FP/32"
Heavy Machine Gun 5FP/12"-4FP/24"-3FP/32"
Cannons: Cannons are divided by barrel size section and barrel length. They are in millimetres but soon I'll put in the PDR size for comparing and fluff reasons.
20mm 4FP/10"-3FP/20"-2FP/30"
37mm Short 5FP/10"-4FP/20"-3FP/30"
37mm Long 5FP/14"-4FP/28"-3FP/40"
50mm Short 6FP/12"-5FP/24"-4FP/35"
50mm Long 6FP/15"-5FP/30"-4FP/45"
75mm Short 7FP/14"-6FP/28"-5FP/40"
75mm Long 7FP/18"-6FP/36"-5FP/54"
88mm Short 8FP/15"-7FP/30"-6FP/45"
88mm Long 8FP/20"-7FP/40"-6FP/60"
100mm Short 9FP/17"-8FP/34"-7FP/50"
100mm Long 9FP/22"-8FP/44"-7FP/66"
120mm Short 10FP/18"-9FP/36"-8FP/55"
120mm Long 10FP/24"-9FP/48"-8FP/70"
Gunmen: Gunmen are a type of soldier that only the British possess. A energy weapon, the Teslagun is attached to the right arm of the soldier in place of his severed hand. The weapon uses the psychic energy of the soldier, firing a blast of energy with a very destructive output. But the Gunmen are very rare and their use is under the scrutiny of their officials.
Gunman Weapon F

Gunmen are very difficult weapons to use. Their extra power comes with psychological problems of their own. They tend to get "mad" and the rest of the squad is a little fearful of the Gunmen. For this reason, the Gunmen squads have one less Suppress point than they should have.
British Infantry Stats:
Infantry Type/Weapon/FP/Activation/Expertise
British Infantry Squad (Suppress 2) No Shield/Grenades/10 figures
1 Officer/Pistol/1FP/3+/4+
4 Infantry/Infantry Rifle/1FP/4+/5+
4 Infantry/Sub Machine Gun/3FP/4+/5+
1 Infantry/Light Machine Gun/4FP/12"-3FP/24"-2FP/32"/4+/5+
British Gunman Squad (Suppress 2) Shield/Grenades/7 figures
1 Officer/Pistol/1FP/2+/3+
1 Gunman/Teslagun/FP8/8"-FP6/16"-FP4/24"/3+/4+
2 Infantry/Infantry Rifle/1FP/3+/4+
2 Infantry/Sub Machine Gun/3FP/3+/4+
1 Infantry/Light Machine Gun/4FP/12"-3FP/24"-2FP/3+/4+
British Commando Squad (Suppress 4) Shield/Grenades/Mecha Assault/Mecha Capture/Infiltration/8 figures
1 Officer/Pistol/1FP/2+/3+
1 Infantry Marksman/Infantry Rifle/1FP/2+/2+
4 Infantry/Sub Machine Gun/3FP/2+/3+
2 Infantry/Assault Rifle/2FP/12"-1FP/24"/2+/3+
British Paratrooper Squad (Suppress 4) Shield/Grenades/Mecha Assault/Mecha Capture/Infiltration/5 figures
1 Officer/Pistol/1FP/2+/3+
2 Infantry/Infantry Rifle/1FP/2+/3+
2 Infantry/Sub Machine Gun/3FP/2+/3+
British Vehicle Stats:
Walker MK.I A2 "Ellie"
The MK.I A2 is a m
Armour: 3+
Dual Shield: 3+
Crew: 3 (Pilot/Gunner/Engine - Gunner/Shield - Comms/Shield)
Move: 5"/10"/15"
Torso Heavy Machine Gun 5FP/12"-4FP/24"-3FP/32"
Right Arm 50mm Long Barrelled Cannon 6FP/15"-5FP/30"-4FP/45"
Left Arm 50mm Long Barrelled Cannon 6FP/15"-5FP/30"-4FP/45"
Upper Torso Rocket Launcher 8FP/60"
Mark IV Z12
The Mark IV Z12 is the first psychic powered Allied tank. Made bigger, heavier, now powered by human engines and with shields, this vehicle emerged again to attack and be used as an anti tank and infantry platform. Armed with the new rocket launchers it is used to strengthen the Walkers platoons.
Armour: 3+
Dual Shield: 3+
Crew: 11 (2 Pilots/Engines - 2 Comms/Shield - 5 Gunners - 2 Loadders)
Move: 4"/8"/10"
1 Port Heavy Machine Guns 5FP/12"-4FP/24"-3FP/32"
1 Starboard Heavy Machine Guns 5FP/12"-4FP/24"-3FP/32"
1 Bow Heavy Machine Guns 5FP/12"-4FP/24"-3FP/32"
1 Port 50mm Short Barrelled Cannon 6FP/12"-5FP/24"-4FP/35"
1 Starboard 50mm Short Barrelled Cannon 6FP/12"-5FP/24"-4FP/35"
1 Bow Heavy Rocket Launcher 8FP/60"
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